What is the use to show skills to blind

kabir dohe


Translation: When Kabir is asked to teach an intellectual then he feels shy. What is the use of showing dancing skills to one who is blind.


Kabirji’s doha on intellectual is evident when we face people who say they are ‘intellectual’ and when we meet people who pretend to be ‘intellectual’. I doubt whether these two categories of people know whether they are aware of the fact, “the true intellect is one who is aware of past, present and future.” When I say aware, I mean, know what they have done in past. I am sure if I will ask above specified two categories of people a question, “are you aware of what you have done in past?”, following will be the answer. “Yes. I have earned some N amount.” or “I was a topper.” or “I am best of all in <some place>”. or “Yes. I attend regular classes of <spiritual guru>”

A real intellect will never express his work done for the welfare of the society. He will be aware of his past deeds, good or bad. That is, he would be aware of his mistake of hurting someone with his words or deeds. (An intellect will never hurt anyone with intension). He will always watch his deeds and improve himself over his mistakes. A real intellect will not worry about future. When such a person faces so called ‘intellect’ will prefer to be silent. He would feel shy to teach such ‘intellect’ people.