Bhasma Aarti

A divine experience – Bhasma Aarti offered to Lord Shiva in Ujjain.

When we hear “Ujjain” we recall “Mahakal”. A beautiful place in itself, Ujjain is a must visit place for those who want to feel the blessings of Lord Shiva. I happen to visit Maha kaleshwar temple of Ujjain in August 2022. I must say, I felt like why I didnt visit this place earlier. What a great temple! Full of energy and divinity. I must admit, I was fortunate to attend “Bhasma Aarti” offered in this temple. Before quoting story behind Ujjain and Mahakal I will first share my experience of “Bhasma Aarti”.

People come from far places to attend Bhasma Aarti. Pre-booking is required for those who want to attend Bhasma Aarti. Also it is recommended to have dress code – males must wear dhoti and females must wear sari. Attendees of Bhasma Aarti stand in the queue from 12:30 in the night. Though it is not required 🙂 enthusiasm of people make them stand in queue and wait till 2 AM when security check starts. Attendees are allowed to enter temple after security check and checking of pass obtained. Temple doors open at 4 AM when Pooja for Bhasma Aarti starts. From 4 AM till 5 AM Panditjis perform Pooja and from 5 AM till 6 AM Bhasma Aarti is performed. First I was too much tired waiting for Pooja to begin and waiting in queue but after 4 AM all waiting was worth. I was in queue from 1 AM and when we were allowed to enter “Garbhgruha” where Nandiji was seating at 4 AM the excitement was at peak. I could not wait any more to see the Pooja and finally I was seating in front of Mahakal Shiv Linga watching Panditji performing Pooja. First of all Shiv Linga was offered “Panchamrit” and then Shiv Linga was decorated to show face of Shiva on Linga. It was a great experience to watch Panditji decorate Shiva’s face on Linga. After decorating Shiv Linga, Fruits and Prasad was offered to Shiva. Then the actual Bhasma Aarti started. Panditji instructed women to cover their face with “Ghunghat”, lights were put off and people were asked to keep pin drop silence. A Panditji then applied Bhasma on Shiv Linga and the womens were asked to take off their “Ghunghat”, aarti was offered to Shiva without putting on lights. This aarti was a great experience and I thought “Wow” Bhasma aarti is over. But…. Wait…. it was not all over. Lights were put on and now Dhoop was offered to Shiva and then the actual and final aarti started. The music of “Damroo”, “Pakhaj” etc was magic, the atmosphere was very divine and I felt we were at different level… very divine… pleasant… relaxed and felt like the aarti should continue for a while.

By gyanaknowledge Posted in Home

Duties of Husband

Karyeshu Yogi, Karaneshu Daksha, Rupecha Krishna, Kshamayathu Rama, Bojyeshu Truptha, Sukhadukkha Mitra, Shatkarmayuktha, Khalu Darmanatha

In past I have mentioned about duties of wife. Today I want to speak about duties of husband here and make the post complete.

First let me put down word to word meaning: “A husband is who works like Yogi (detached from happiness, sadness, pride…), he who advises like king Daksha (daksha means brilliant), he who always have smile on his face like Krishna, he who have patience like Rama, he who appreciates whatever is being cooked by wife (or in family), he who is like a friend who is always there in happiness and bad times

Many say that such vows of a wife and husband are meaningless in this century. But it is possible to have all these vows obeyed by a man and woman in this century if relation is handled with open hands.

In today’s world both wife and husband work in their respective fields. It may happen both enjoy top position in their field or one may be superior than other. In either case ego should not come between them. A husband should not think he is male and so he is superior. Male and female both are creation of God. With male and female comes a family into existence. So both are equally important in a family. Not only in professional life a man should be like a Yogi, but in house also he should be like a Yogi. Meaning, if wife is not feeling well it is not bad to work on behalf of her in kitchen. If some guests are coming up then it is not bad to help wife manage things. So it is not shameful to share responsibilities inside and outside home.

A Yogi is who is stable in all situations. He is not having ego. He listens others before performing any action. He is humble, stable in happiness and sadness. He is contemplate and devoted to his activity.  More about yogi in another post…

A husband is head of family. And a head can ofcourse lead, guide family. But this leadership should not be blind. A leader should have vision of future before making any suggestions or decisions. A wife will shape family under leadership of husband. So always husband should make sure to advise wisely.

We have seen Krishna always smiling. So a husband should have smile on his face in all situations. I know one will say, how one can smile in bad times but (based on my experience) one can smile in bad times with right attitude. Here the matter is to show correct attitude in tough times. Here the matter is to support, encourage family and family members in difficult times.

Patience is key factor of a relationship. Being head of family, husband should deal with all and every situations with patience. In bad times it is good to step back or seat for a while and let the time time pass away instead of working against bad times. At times wife or some other family member act insanely, in such cases, be patient and try to calm up situation, handle family members. You cannot change situations, people and their thoughts but you can manage everything with patience. Sometimes it is good to step back instead of doing arguments, fighting back and making things worst.

Any relationship in the beginning will always be hard to build. If the relation is just started or if the relation was 10 years old it will be hard to manage under different times. It is insane but it is true, “a new shoe and a new relationship will always hurt in the beginning”. Patience is key to learn how to adjust and make this relationship work.

A husband should appreciate whatever is being cooked by wife. Instead of comparing food cooked by mother, other family member, friends or restaurant, as a husband try to appreciate food prepared by wife. If she is not able to cook good food then too she would have cooked food for you with love. So it is not appreciation of taste of food but the love behind the food being cooked by wife.

A husband and a wife should be friend, best friend. Trust your wife. Lend your ears to her feelings and words. Dont leave her alone in tough times, if you cannot openly then too try to support her from behind screen. As a friend guide her in her wrong decisions. As a friend be always there around her. Share your heart and feelings with her openly.

At last, if you think your wife is a matter of pride for you, you are not a husband. If you cannot share minor details with your wife then your are not a husband. If you cannot share your feelings with your wife then you are not in a relationship. If you just want to control your wife, order her and make obedient slave then your are not husband. If you just want to use her physically then your are not husband.


By gyanaknowledge Posted in Home

Define Happiness








I have written earlier a post on Happiness, this post is in continuation with the previous post.

During whole day we come across many people, with some of them we have relationship to talk and share our thoughts while with some of them we hardly talk but listen or watch their behavior. If we watch all of them closely we will see they are looking for Happiness. So what is the definition of Happiness for each of them?

Let me put their definition of Happiness here….

1. Mr. A, I will be happy/ delighted if I will get a Government contract worth NNN lacs

2. Miss B, I will be happy if he propose me

3. Miss C, I will be happy if he marry me

4. Mrs D, I will be happy if my husband buy me a diamond necklace worth NNN

5. Mrs E, I will be happy if my daughter-in-law obey me

6. Mrs. F, I will be happy if my husband earns NNN lacs per month

7. Mr. G, I will be happy if I get N% in exam

…………. This list is endless, where Happiness is starts with If and Else condition

Seems Happiness is a chocolate wrapped in IF and ELSE wrapper. So are they Happy after this so-called wrapper opened?

1. Mr. A, after a month bags the Government contract worth NNN lacs.

He should be happy now. But when asked why your face is not glowing with happiness? he said, I am happy but I will be happy when I will earn that NNN lacs from contract.

2. Miss B is proposed but her face is not glowing with happiness as it should be. When asked she said… “Yes, he proposed me but I will be happy only if he marry me”

…… all of the above when opened a layer of their IF and ELSE wrapper around Happiness were not Happy as they found one more layer of IF and ELSE wrapper around Happiness. This situation is endless. A new wrapper is found when one wrapper of IF and ELSE is removed.

Years after years pass opening these layers of IF and ELSE wrapper but yet Happiness is not unlocked. So a question comes was the definition of Happiness correct? If not then what is the definition of Happiness.

Happiness is in …..

1. knowing oneself (Aatma – inner soul)

2. satisfaction

3. gratitude

4. love

5. giving to other (don’t think you donated some money or food and you will get happiness)

Happiness cannot be wrapped between IF and ELSE

Happiness cannot be measured by different criteria.

Happiness is soul’s identity. It can be obtained when it is free from all conditions.

Teri hai zameen

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

O… with your wish we came in this world

with your wish we came in this world

With your grace we all have got this body and soul

please keep your graceful eyes on us in all conditions
It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us


if you wish you give life and if you wish you take our life

if you wish you give life and if you wish you take our life

O… we bow in front of you


O… the supreme power if you wish you can save us from problems

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

It is your land your sky you are merciful please grace us

you are equal to everyone, everyone is equal to you, o! God please grace us

Holi festival of colors

Wishing you all happy holi.

We celebrate each season and each month with some or the other festival. Holi is celebrated across nation with various color to welcome spring. Vaishnav call Holi as “Phool Dol”, “Phagostav”, “Dol Yatra”. Holi is known as “phagostav” as it is celebrated in the month of “phagun” (as per Hindu Calendar). As the name signifies it is the celebration of spring, new season of flowers and new crops. Trees shed their old leafs and wear new leafs. Mother nature teaches us a lesson, “throw your old, stale, pale beliefs to give space to new thoughts and ideas. Throw your past and welcome your present but don’t forget to strongly hold your roots your base, your culture, your tradition and the basic thought you are an human”. Without your roots, culture or tradition you will never stand tall.

There are number of mythological stories attached to Holi. Holi is closely associated with Krishna and Prahlad, devotee of Krishna. Holi is called as “Phool Dol” or “Dol Yatra” as on this day Krishna killed devil named Putna, he was at tender age at that time, it was mark of spring and people were now free from the fear of devil. They enjoyed this day by putting “tilak” (a mark made with red color on forehead) with “gulal” (a red color powder). To express their gratitude towards krishna, they prepared a swing decorated with flowers and all “gopis” enjoyed swinging krishna in that swing and gave krishna bath of “kesu” flowers (orange color huge flower, which will bloom only on the beginning of spring).

Farmers express their gratitude towards nature by offering newly harvested grains in fire. Fire (Aagni) is one of the element which is being worshiped. It is believed that first morsel of new harvested grain should be offered to fire.

Many farmers predict upcoming year with the fire of holi or on the condition of brains buried under the fire of holi.

Yes, traditionally people use to bury an earthen pot filled with coconut and 7 different type of grain under the ground then light holi with wood logs, cow dung cakes and grass. They keep the pot whole night under ground and the next morning when woods would have turned to ashes, they will remove the pot from the ground, check the condition of grains and coconut. Based on the condition upcoming year will be predicted. This coconut and grains will be shared between people residing in the surrounding. Believe me it is very yummy in taste and have a unique smell of wet soil, moist which is being absorbed from earth.


But today we have made this festival a game of colors. People play with harmful colors and spoil their health. Many hardly know that at the beginning of spring one needs to take extra care of skin and health. Wish we can again adopt natural colors for playing holi.

Satyam Shivam Sundram

Yesterday, 2nd March 2011, it was MahaShivratri, usually celebrated on 13th night/14th day in Krishna Paksha of the month of Maagha or phalguna.
It is believed that shiva married parvati on this date. Another belief is that he became “Neelkantham” swallowing the deadly poison came from
the churning of “Kshir sagar”

We often relate Shiva with Satya “Truth”, truth which comes out of all darkness and prevailed before creation of universe will prevail after destruction of universe.
As a child I would like to write Shiva as synonym of truth. To my senses, whenever you speak truth you offer prayer to Shiva. Shiv and shakti are related, which means truth is the source of energy.
You earn energy through your deeds backed by truth. Isn’t it beautiful?
True beauty is in truth which is Shiva though he wears Snakes as ornaments, applies ashes on body and is accompanied by ghosts. He is not “beautifully” dressed as Vishu or other God. But still it is said “Shivam Sundaram”. My little brain visualizes this as, he is beautiful as he explains the meaning of truth rather he symbolizes truth.

Our little brain considers truth is speaking truth or telling things which occurred in real and are matching with real evidence, evidence which we can visualize, touch, smell and feel. Our truth is backed by only 5 substances of nature but not the 6th substance.

Yes, 6 substance of nature, you might be aware of all the 5 substances but not of 6th. Actually you are aware but you don’t use it often as those 5 substances. The 6th substance is renunciation or vairagya.  It is said that our bodies are made of 5 substances namely earth, air, water, fire and sky. They are found in each activity we perform, a discussion on this at some other time. But all our act is influenced by “maya”. Whatever we do, we do we bind ourselves with that act “karma”.

But Shiva, creator of all, creator of universe, objects and destructor of universe is a symbol of renunciation. Though he is married he is not “sansari” he is “vairagi”, the reason all his acts are just for the betterment of universe, objects and his creations.

He keeps trident “trishul” symbol of power of knowledge, control over desire, control or back act with knowledge and controlled desire. Snakes which he wears as ornaments are symbol of ego which he has conquered and now they are worn as ornaments. Rudraksha is symbol of purity and concentration when taken in right hand. His mind, body and act are pure like Rudraksha. He has conquered fear so he is wearing tiger skin. It is said there is life ahead of fear. Fear is the biggest enemy of ours. Ganges flowing from his head symbolizes knowledge transformed from generation to generation. Moon on his forehead symbolizes his control over time. Third eye on forehead is the eye of knowledge which when opened turns evils into ashes. He has married to Shakti, power which governs the universe, power which backs the universe.

In all he wants to convey us, act should be backed with knowledge, such act will bring power in itself in you. And perform all your acts without fear with concentration, purity will come in itself. Burn evils and obstacles in your act with your knowledge. Such act will be beautiful and no other alternative will be there in the world for such act.

OM Namah Shivay!!


A New Journey


This is my first step towards sharing knowledge, whatever I have and whatever I get with you. I think its a journey which will lead all of us to divine world, world of knowledge. And I am happy to initiate this process of journey with all your co-operation and support, which will enlighten our lives. In an humble request to readers and learned ones, Please be helpful in adding your knowledge in this blog. All your valuable comments, views and thoughts will be valued and will find suitable place.

In this journey I will add new sections, which I believe will help us learn and develop ourselves. This first section is dedicated to the true source of knowledge.  And while remembering about the source of knowledge one shloka of Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 shloka 2, comes to my mid.

evam parampara-praptam
imam rajarsayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata
yogo nastah parantapa

Let me talk more in another post…

————– Refer the post “Gyana Parampara” for more details on this shloka.